About Us
Welcome to Doctor Best, The Best software for Doctors, Hospitals, Clinics to manage their patient's record full digitally. Manage all departments like OPD appointment and billing, IPD billing, Investigations billing, Pathology with Reports and Expenses. Software works in both modes Online or offline. It is a product of Amitabh Lal infotech Pvt. Ltd. which is completly dedicated for software deleopment and has above 23 years experiance in industry.
If you are a doctor and you are running your own clinic or hospital. If you want your hospital to become completely digitalized. All the activities of your hospital like OPD, IPD Pathology, Ward Management, Vaccination Records and Finance Status should always be updated on your mobile. Sitting anywhere in the world, you can monitor the hospital on your mobile.
That's why Doctor Best has brought for you a unique hospital management software that fulfills all your needs.
Our Features
* It is completely online and easy to operate.
* It has the complete financial management of the hospital.
* Patients have the facility to book appointments through the hospital's website.
* It can also be run through Android app.
* All reports can be viewed on the Android app.
* Separate login facility has also been provided for all the doctors of the hospital through which they can view their OPD and IPD reports.
* IPD Billing and with complete ward management
* Pathology billing with Reports (online & offline)
* Investigation and Procesure Billing
* Hospital Expense Management with Head and subhead wise
* Daily Account Summery and detail analysis Report.