
Features & Pricing (OPD Appointment System)

Free P-1 P-2 P-3
1. Online Appointment System
(On DoctorBest Website doctorbest.co.in)
2. Android App for Admin
3. Unlimited Patient Registration
4. Unlimited Appointment (online)
5. Unlimited Schedule
6. Patient Medical Record Upload
7. Previous Visit Tracking
8. Own Branding
9. Android App for Patient
10. Website (up to 5 Pages)
Price (Per Year) Free/- RS. 4999/- RS. 9999/- RS. 14999/-
Note : For Additional Doctor Appointment in Same Hospital Rs.500/- Per Doctor Additional

Features & Pricing (Hospital Management System)

P-1 P-2 P-3
1. OPD Appointment System
1. IPD Billing System
1. Investigation Billing System
1. Pathology Billing System
1. Pathology Reporting System
1. Multiple Doctor
1. Ward Management
1. Expense Management
2. Android App for Admin
3. Unlimited Patient Registration
4. Unlimited Appointment
5. Unlimited Schedule
6. Patient Medical Record Upload
7. Previous Visit Tracking
8. Multi User
(with permission module)
(5) (unlimited)
8. Own Branding
9. Android App for Patient
10. Website (up to 10 Pages)
Price (Per Year) RS. 24999/- RS. 49999/- RS. 99999/-